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story was submitted by Carmen Croonquist,
a student in the Certified
Law of Attraction Practitioner's
Carmen is the director of career services
at the University of Wisconsin-River
Falls, teaches career exploration classes
and has created the Career Portfolio
Program at Century College in St. Paul,
MN. She is a certified career management
coach through the Career Coach
Academy. Although I know now that the Law of Attraction has been operating in my life since birth, I've only become consciously aware of it for about a year and a half. Ironically, the Law of Attraction somehow attracted me! I was at a Career Masters Institute Conference in Atlanta, and had the great fortune to attend an outstanding presentation on the Law of Attraction provided by Christine Edick, a Faculty Member at the Law of Attraction Training Center. As Christine was sharing some of her personal stories about the Law of Attraction, I could completely relate to this concept. Not only did I embrace the topic, but I thoroughly enjoyed Christine. I recall thinking at the time that she gave off such wonderful energy, and would be someone I'd love to get to know better. Little did I know that this opportunity was just around the corner. During the final day of the conference, door prizes were being given away. Up to that point, I had never before won anything in my life. I realized that I was carrying the declarative statement: "I'm not lucky. I never win anything." Right then and there, I decided to change my mindset. Turning to the others seated at my table, I announced that the Law of Attraction was in the process of bringing me a fabulous door prize! A few of my table-mates giggled at my brazen statement, but I was undaunted in my belief that it could happen. Some wonderful prizes were given away, and my name was not called. Yet, I retained that element of belief that I would still win something -a prize that would be a great fit for me. Did I ever! When my name was called, I learned I had won a six-hour TeleClass series Module 4: Leverage the Law of Attraction to Market Your Business --facilitated by Christine Edick. Since that time, I have won a door prize at every conference I have attended! Christine's class was so fascinating that I decided to continue on with the Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner program, and am now completing Module 5. Upon reflection, I gained greater awareness of how the Law of Attraction was working in my life, and how to become more deliberate about manifesting my desires. One of my long-held desires has been to travel abroad. Up to this point, I have only traveled around the US, Canada, and Mexico. I'm a history and culture buff, and would love to explore so many places in the world. My focus on my financial woes always made overseas travel seem like an impossible goal. Nevertheless, I decided to put my energy, attention, and emotion on my ideal situation; how I want my life to be instead of the lack of what I want. In early June, I wrote the following desire statement:
I put the desire statement away and did not look at it again. Literally two weeks after I wrote it, I received an email message from a lady from the Icelandic Counseling Association. One of my niche areas is on the development and use of career portfolios. I have been an advocate of this concept for over ten years, giving presentations all over the US. I am currently collaborating on a career portfolio book (how I attracted my collaborator and a book deal is another great Law of Attraction story!). The lady who contacted me had attended a presentation I gave last February at the Careers Conference in Madison, WI. She was hoping to implement career portfolios into Iceland's various educational systems, and had secured some grant money. Would I accept their invitation to come to Iceland--all expenses paid--to help them with this process? I almost fell off my chair when I read this email. My vibrations were riding WAY high! Okay, I admit that Italy and France were at the top of my travel destination list (although I did not specify this in my desire statement), but a free trip to Iceland had me elated to the core. Talk about feeling abundant! The Universe found a way to manifest my desire more quickly than I ever could have anticipated. I leave for Iceland next week. You, too, can have what you desire when you get clear about your goals, raise your positive vibrations, and allow it to happen. When your desires begin to manifest, it builds your excitement and positive energy -which reinforces the important principal of allowing. After this experience, I am confident that my other goals (especially my desire for financial freedom and prosperity) are soon to come my way! You are the deliberate creator of your life's experience. To quote Christine Edick: "thoughts become things -so think good ones!" Thank you Carmen, for sharing your story with us! |